Call for workshop proposals

Posted Tuesday 12 Apr 2016

The National Council of Women NZ Conference is being held in Wellington, New Zealand on 15-17 September, 2016.

The topic of the conference is Gender Equality, and they are seeking abstracts for the interactive workshops to be held on Thursday 15th, and Friday 16th September, to help drive cultural change in the communities, workplaces and NZ.

Presenters at conference are typically thought leaders or researchers in this field and established contributors to the advancement of gender issues. From presenters they expect a high level of professionalism, an exciting and interactive delivery, and an insightful or provocative take on a relevant topic. The conference is a springboard for discussion and debate, and the audience expect to be challenged.

There will be good media coverage of the conference and presenters can expect a high profile reception.

To reward workshop presenters, they offer a full conference pass with meals and drinks. They offer hotel accommodation for one night. Presenters are responsible for their own travel to and from Wellington, and expense costs.

They have a limited number of presenter positions available. To be influential in this field and to participate in this event, please don't delay.

Proposal submission deadline is 15th April 2016.

Proposal Guidelines