Last reminder about Athena FF

Posted Saturday 27 Aug 2016



The Athena Film Festival submissions for 2017 are open through to September 15. They accept features, documentaries, and short films that feature courageous and bold women leaders as the protagonist of the story; films can be made by both women and men. There is no submission fee for the festival.

The festival will be held Feb. 9- 12, 2017 in the heart of New York - at Barnard, the most sought-after women's college in the nation. The Founding Sponsor of the Festival is Artemis Rising Foundation, Regina K. Scully, CEO and Founder.

For more information on how and where to submit your film,  click here.

In addition to film submissions they are also accepting Athena List scripts. An annual slate of between 3-5 screenplays with female leaders or strong female protagonists that have yet to be made into films.

For more information on the Athena List and how to submit,  click here.