Online Heroines

Posted Sunday 04 Dec 2016

WIFT member Louise Hutt has a new project which we should all support! Online Heroines is a new documentary web series exploring the experiences of New Zealand women filmmakers - focusing on new media platforms and gender discrimination. It features nine episodes, each an interview with a different filmmaker; from Youtubers, to music video makers, to web series moguls. These inspiring women are navigating a new media industry, using new video platforms, and making content on their own terms; thriving in an industry which historically and currently locks them out from telling their own, authentic stories.

Louise would really appreciate other members support in watching, sharing, and talking about the series. Only through acknowledging the challenges we face, will we ever find solutions to them.

You can binge the series at, watch the trailers, or join in the conversation with #OnlineHeroines on Twitter

Check out the information below which features some comments from other WIFT members...

Documentary web series highlighting kiwi women filmmakers is launched

"We didn't [study] New Zealand content, we didn't do female stuff, we weren't given any connections or any opportunities."

- Britney Hazeldine, Youtuber and AUT graduate

The project is the Master's thesis of 23-year-old filmmaker, Louise Hutt. "I wanted the research to be accessible; to young women interested in film, policy makers, and those looking to transition to online media - so I designed the research using the very platforms I was also researching", says Hutt. The web series is available on Youtube, for free and completely closed captioned. It is the first research of its kind on the New Zealand film industry, and possibly the world. Online Heroines goes right to the source to examine the choices and reasoning of the women filmmakers who are leading the change in the industry; using the radical notion of actually asking women about their experiences.

"[Producing] is like adult kindergarten, often. I just said that today."

- Morgan Leigh Stewart, executive producer of K Road Stories

Online Heroines gives a view into the ambitions, struggles, and triumphs of being a New Zealand woman creating video content online; highlighting the systemic, societal, and personal challenges which need to change if New Zealand is going to have fair and equal media representation. In publishing the study, Hutt hopes to provide inspiration to young women heading into the industry, as well as stirring the conversation for those currently in the industry who have the power to create change.

"The newer, online model really suits women because anyone can jump in and do anything and there are no traditional expectations and barriers."

- Anna Duckworth, producer for Candlelit Pictures

Thought-provoking, honest, and eye-opening anecdotes are shared from respected kiwi filmmakers including:

- Alix Whittaker & Anna Duckworth from Candlelit Pictures

- Kimberley McManus from Our Daily Life

- Bea Joblin from CNT Live

- Britney Hazeldine from Scout & Co

- Hazel Gibson & Morgan Leigh Stewart from K'Rd Stories

- The Candle Wasters from Nothing Much To Do, Lovely Little Losers, and Bright Summer Night.

- Charli Prangley from Charli Marie TV

- Tegan Morris from Tegan Meets World