Applications open for FilmUp 2016

Posted Monday 29 Feb 2016

APPLICATIONS CLOSE: Monday 14th March 2016, 5pm

Calling screenwriters, directors and producers - FilmUp returns in 2016 providing

talented and tenacious filmmakers an individually tailored development programme

to hone their creative practice, and take a step up in their careers.

Now in its fourth year, Script to Screen's FilmUp offers up to eight writers, directors

and producers a place on the eight-month programme. Participants receive 20-hours

of one-on-one mentorship with an established filmmaker, regular Hub Days including

workshops and round tables with guest speakers, and tailored additional support

from Script to Screen.

STS are excited to consider applicants with a strong track record for another year

in this rewarding programme.

Find full programme details and how to apply here.