And the First WIFT Woman Video slot goes to...

Posted Monday 11 Jul 2016

We would like to introduce you to a new section online at WIFT. We will be showing short films and videos by members on the site and in E News. If you have something you would like to share with members please send it through and we'll put it up.

So there are no rules but PLEASE! We'll screen it without fear, favour or comment but please save us from litigation or offending our funders!

SO the first film comes from WIFT member Linda Niccol and her 'DEATH OF THE DISCO KING' video.

British born musician Paul Seccombe didn't have to wait long when he put out the call to Kapiti filmmakers to create a music video for his new single 'Death of the Disco King'.

Award-winning writer/directors (and WIFT Member) Linda Niccol,  and CJ Puna partnered up with (some camera assitance from Norris Childs from Mission Hall) and choreography by Sally Stopforth and shot the funky film at Parkwood Lodge. Parkwood residents feature and the tongue in cheek clip stars acclaimed actor Nick Blake as a mischievous ghostly king who is haunted by a pesky glitter ball.

The single is due for release on 18 July.

For more about Paul Seccombe and his music go to:

View the video here:

Look out for more WIFT member work coming along soon and don't forget to send us YOUR new short as well...