Long-time WIFT member Sapna Samant has a challenging job as a GP in Poririua (where she is responsible for their refugee intake), but she doesn't forget she is a filmmaker!
She is crowdfunding for her short film directorial debut DEBTS WE PAY on Boosted. The target is $5000 and it closes on 13th August.
https://www.boosted.org.nz/projects/debts-we-pay (pop this into your browser to learn more)
DEBTS WE PAY is the story of an Indian family in Wellington and how they negotiate living between two cultures. It is an independent short co-produced by Brett Mills. Both Sapna and Brett invested their own money towards the production and are now looking to raise funds for post-production.
This project has a high number of women on the crew: Michelle Turner, Aline Tran, Angela Boyd, Annabel Wilson, Anna Shaw, Sarah McMullan and Anuwela Howarth, to name a few.
Emerging Artists Trust Wellington has granted funds specifically towards editing so the $5000 will go towards other aspects of post-production.
The Boosted page is live now. https://www.boosted.org.nz/projects/debts-we-pay
Put this into your browser and start funding!
This is an all or none platform which means if they do not raise the amount by 13th August then all donations will be returned and the filmmakers will not get a penny.
Make a donation now. NZ residents qualify for a 33% tax credit on their donations from the IRD with a receipt automatically provided by The Arts Foundation (as The Arts Foundation is a registered charity) for any donation made.
If you don't have a Boosted account, you can create one by clicking on JOIN BOOSTED. Enter your name and email and you are ready to donate.
You can 'like' the Facebook page to know more about the film.
Please donate. Every cent helps.