FF in NYC Wants Your Film!

Posted Monday 18 Jul 2016

Get your film a screening in the Big Apple - here's your opportunity (and you should read this anyway just to check out the cool "tests" for content that are part of the criteria!)

In October, as part of a multimedia exhibition, Downtown Community Television's (DCTV)  Young Women of Cinema will be hosting a short film festival in New York City and they would love to possibly showcase films made by WIFTNZ members.


The winning entries will be shown in DCTV's Young Women of Cinema's
multimedia exhibition in October. PRO-TV's Young Women of Cinema is an
intensive six-month professional development program with the goal of providing
young women with support in producing media projects. DCTV is an established
media arts resource for New York City's independent filmmaking community,
providing affordable workshops, production equipment rentals, postproduction
facilities, a signature screening and event series, renowned youth programming
and more. PRO-TV is one of the most successful, longest-running youth media
arts training programs in the nation. Offering free training to New York City youth,
this program provides positive creative outlets for young people to address the
issues affecting their lives and communities. YWOC is proud to be a part of DCTV
and PRO-TV.
Entry Guidelines:
?Open to all genres (narrative, documentary, animation, etc)
?Films must have a female director or screenwriter
?Films should be no longer than 5-7 minutes in length
?Foreign language films must be subtitled in English
?Films must past the:
Bechdel Test: You must have two female characters that talk to each about something
other than a man.
The DuVernay Test: You must have at least two POC characters who talk to each other
about something other than a white character