We're in the celebratory mood so lots of tickets to give away this week!

Posted Tuesday 01 Mar 2016

We have not one but THREE movie giveaways for you to enjoy thanks to Trigger Marketing and Rebecca Tansley...

So.... drum roll.... Starting close to home we have

1) 5 x double passes to giveaway for MAHANA - produced by Robin Scholes (look out for our Q & A with her in the next issue of E News) and starring Nancy Brunning. Meantime you can catch the movie trailer here ...and win tickets by answering this simple question...04.Ramona_26A4089


Q: Nancy Brunning first hit NZ's small screen playing a role in which long running soap?


2) We have 3 x double passes to WIFT member Rececca Tansley's film CROSSING RACHMANINOFF which follows aspiring Italian-born pianist Flavio Villani, now living in NZ  as he prepares Rachmaninoff's famous Piano Concerto No. 2 for his first performance with an orchestra back in his homeland.  Copy and paste the trailer into your browser https://vimeo.com/140376647 and answer the question below:

Q: Finish this voiceover quote: "The Piano Concerto No.2 is a gift and a ???


3) Finally, feast your eyes on this little gem of a Japanese film - AN. If have visited, or aspire to visit Japan, you MUST see this film.

Copy and paste the  trailer into your browser and tell us.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uSITf6UB44

Q: What does AN translate to in English?


Answers emailed to: office@wiftnz.org.nz by 5pm Friday 4 March.

Please put the ANSWER AND THE FILM it relates to in the subject line or

poor Patricia will go mad as we know you all love these competitions and

flood the inbox.