Lots in this issue for WIFT members, including features with Ginny Loane, Roseanne Liang, Emma Slade, Miranda Harcourt and Nicole Hoey. Read it now! Of course its published by WIFT member Kelly Lucas!
- Ginny Loane: Cinematographer of the Year
- Cinco Cine: A kaupapa of commitment
- Glen Walker visits The Changeover
- Roseanne Liang: Do No Harm
Check out the events pics:
The Big Screen Symposium, Maori Screen Awards, and NZCS Awards
How to get CREWED below:
Read the issuu edition online here
or download the pdf here
or web version here
A BIG THANK YOU! - as always - to the sponsors and advertisers who keep CREWED coming to you for free: ARRI, DVT, NZ Camera Hire, Panasonic, Professional Lighting Services, Queenstown Camera Company, Quinto Communications, Random Films, Rocket Rentals & SPADA.
We couldn't do it without you.
Promote yourself in CREWED November contact:
Kelly Lucas
Ph: 021 996 529
kelly@screenz.co .nz