ART AUCTION fundraiser for a feature film

Posted Monday 10 Oct 2016

This is a unique way to raise funds for a movie. On Wednesday 12th October join fellow film and art types for an art auction with a difference.

The film, (working title "Paradise") is inviting bids via phone, in-person or absentee at the International Art Centre Parnell.

Check out the sites below for all the bidding details.

"Paradise" is a film inspired by, but very different from, the hugely popular show "Birds of Paradise".

Mother-Hen Morag Brownlie has been stopped in the street years after audience members have witnessed this unique performance. It resonates deeply with people.

Because of this, and that, film is her preferred and perfect medium for the concept, Morag planned to adapt it for some time.

Sir David Attenborough is one of the inspirations of the film, and was certainly central to the live show. Morag has been in correspondence with him about the project.

Unique, romantic, humorous, visual and very moving, "Paradise" will certainly be one to look out for. Essentially this film is about love, and reveals some of the comedic moments on its journey ,but it also is about love lost, and the rawness that its sudden departure can create.

"Paradise" mix's genres in a refreshing and unique way.  These reviews help paint the picture.

A sumptuous sensory feast.  Ms. Brownlie is to be applauded for her originality - which borders on eccentricity - as this work mixes cabaret, burlesque, dance, comedy and ornithology into something that quite defies any genre of its own.                     Theatreview

I am not going to give anything away. Suffice to say that Birds of Paradise is erotic without being rude, sensuous, beautiful, touching, captivating, hilarious fun and then, 'Nek Minnit': A death and an ecology lesson!! Theatreview

A unique blend� an environmental fairytale. Theatreview