Intolerance towards refugees and attacks on women's rights are in the news right now internationally. So it's timely that a new documentary focusing on former refugee women living in New Zealand has just launched after a year of filming and development.
Together We Make A Nation follows four women of refugee backgrounds living in New Zealand: Ola from Poland, Neary from Cambodia, Yibeth from Colombia and Dalal from Syria. Their stories tell us about life in their former countries, why they had to leave and what life is like now in New Zealand, where they have come to be safe at last.
New Zealand Red Cross is a major partner for the project. Hanna Butler, Red Cross Communications Manager, says, "Together We Make a Nation captures four incredible stories, provides detailed information on the refugee crisis around the world and introduces us to the amazing people who work in the resettlement sector in Aotearoa."
Together We Make A Nation can be viewed at and their Facebook page is