Nurse Me - a short film by Kezia Barnett, choreographed by MaryJane O'Reilly and produced by Rebekah Kelly - has been accepted into the Aesthetica Short Film Festival, 2017.
Founded in 2011, ASFF is an international film festival that takes place annually in York, UK, at the beginning of November. It is a celebration of independent film from around the world, and an outlet for supporting and championing filmmaking.
ASFF is organised by Aesthetica magazine, a publication for art, design, and photography. The festival is a BAFTA-recognised short film festival.
Nurse Me is based on the dance 'Nurses' from MaryJane & Phil O'Reilly's stage production In Flagrante. Emerging from the sea's dark folds, three lone figures are reborn into a post-apocalyptic world. The nurses - bearers of solace, fetish and sexual power - have been drawn back to the centre, the vortex, to where it all began. Funded with the help of Creative New Zealand.
Watch the Nurse Me trailer; follow them on Facebook;