Finishing Fund on offer to international filmmakers

Posted Monday 15 May 2017

Is your film at rough-cut stage, and you're after some extra funds to help you put on the polish? Check out what's on offer through the Women In Film Los Angeles Film Finishing Fund 2017.

The Women In Film Finishing Fund supports films by and/or about women with cash grants and in-kind services. To qualify, the film must be at the rough cut stage at the time of submission. They encourage applications from around the world (though student projects are not eligible to receive Finishing Funds for their film).

Stella Artois has expanded their support of female filmmakers with the announcement of $100,000 in new grant money for the Women In Film Finishing Fund. Stella Artois will provide four $25,000 grants for fiction and documentary films that inspire social change, with particular consideration given to films with a water theme.

Submissions are now open, and the early-bird deadline is Jun 9, 2017 at 12:00AM PDT.

Submit a project to Women In Film Finishing Fund 2017