The NZFC Talent Development team are on tour THIS WEEK to talk to filmmakers interested in applying for Fresh Shorts funding, and give a rundown on the new online application system.
Head of Talent Development Dale Corlett and Talent Pathways Manager Jude McLaren will deliver a short presentation on the ins and outs of applying for Fresh Shorts, as well as a condensed FREE script development workshop with tips and tricks for your next project.
Wellington: Monday 29th May at The Third Eye - Tuatara's Temple of Taste, Upstairs
Online Application Presentation, 5 - 7pm (no workshop)
Auckland: Tuesday 30th May at AUT University, Room WF614
Story Workshop 2 - 5pm; Online Application Presentation, 6 - 8pm
Christchurch: Wednesday 31st May at Sawtooth Studios
Story Workshop 2 - 5pm; Online Application Presentation, 6 - 8pm
Dunedin: Thursday 1st June at Petridish
Story Workshop 2 - 5pm; Online Application Presentation, 6 - 8pm
Keep an eye on the website and Facebook page for further details or email if you have any further questions.