Get thee to the Fresh Shorts Roadshow, happening THIS WEEK

Posted Monday 29 May 2017

The NZFC Talent Development team are on tour THIS WEEK to talk to filmmakers interested in applying for Fresh Shorts funding, and give a rundown on the new online application system.

Head of Talent Development Dale Corlett and Talent Pathways Manager Jude McLaren will deliver a short presentation on the ins and outs of applying for Fresh Shorts, as well as a condensed FREE script development workshop with tips and tricks for your next project.

Wellington: Monday 29th May at The Third Eye - Tuatara's Temple of Taste, Upstairs
Online Application Presentation, 5 - 7pm (no workshop)

Auckland: Tuesday 30th May at AUT University, Room WF614
Story Workshop 2 - 5pm; Online Application Presentation, 6 - 8pm

Christchurch: Wednesday 31st May at Sawtooth Studios
Story Workshop 2 - 5pm; Online Application Presentation, 6 - 8pm

Dunedin: Thursday 1st June at Petridish
Story Workshop 2 - 5pm; Online Application Presentation, 6 - 8pm


Keep an eye on the website and Facebook page for further details or email if you have any further questions.