Who are the stars in this photo, you might ask, and what are they doing?
They're WIFT members Rachel Antony, Tash Christie and Kylie Croft from Greenstone Pictures; on Thursday 6 July, they'll be sleeping rough as part of the Big Sleepout, to raise money for Auckland's homeless community.
As you can see from the screenshot above, these three women are among the top 12 fundraisers to date, and as a team they are currently at the top of the fundraising leaderboard (beating the likes of Vodafone, Microsoft and Auckland Council).
Rachel Antony, Greenstone's CEO, says, "As doco makers, we're in the privileged position of meeting Kiwis from all walks of life and all over the country and sharing their stories; it also means our eyes are open to the realities that many people are having a really, really tough time. We're delighted we're already halfway to our team goal of $6k - with some fantastic support from members of the production community - but we'd love to raise as much as we can before July 5."
We think they're doing a fantastic job - so go on, WIFTers, donate a little to their campaign!
DONATE HERE: https://bigsleepout2017.everydayhero.com/nz/greenstone-tv