Posted Friday 13 Apr 2018
Dark Rose Films Ltd NZ seeks an executive producer, either to work with it on its slate of features 4-7, or just to work on feature 4 and /or feature 5. The production finance search for feature 5 has to start about 8/9months from now, so they're particularly interested in a long term collaborator.
Feature 4, a microbudget musical feature, requires investment for post production and a P&A budget. These sums are to be sought in late 2018/early 2019.
Feature 5, which is an adaptation of an optioned New Zealand novel by Rachel McAlpine, will need to have its production budget sought at the beginning of next year.
Pitch trailers are available for features no. 4-6, with no. 7 to be completed shortly, and synopses and screenplays are available for nos. 4-7, so send your expressions of interest to: to receive these.
Copies of outline production budgets for features 5 and 6, and an outline figure for feature 7 are available.
Feature no.2, now doing the festival rounds, is available for viewing as a screener and feature no.3 is available as just over 2/3 of a rough cut. Finally, a copy of Dark Rose's strategic plan/slate is also available for those interested.
Dark Rose greatly welcomes all and any enquiries regarding finance, or any other collaboration. We are based around Auckland and would be delighted to meet up or Skype for a chat. We can then discuss the production budgets, the role, and proposed financial terms for an EP.
Ann-Marie and Rose Goldthorp
Ph: 07-829-6214 or 021-667-374