With only 13 tickets left to sell before we have a full house for The Breaker Upperers screening in Auckland, we are delighted to announce that there will be a special screening in Wellington at the Embassy in the opening week! Mark the time and date in your diary now: ?MAY 4th, 6.30pm screening, followed by a Q & A at 8pm, moderated by Gemma Gracewood, with Jackie van Beek, Madeleine Sami and James Rolleston. AND, although the tickets to the special event are $20, your WIFT discount with EVENT will apply and you will be able to get your seats for $13!! As soon as the link for booking is live we'll send it out to you.
Meanwhile here is the trailer to whet your appetite >>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKVhDbe9VOo