Sexual harassment and disclosure workshop

Posted Wednesday 15 Aug 2018

If you missed the WIFT Sexual Harassment workshop last month, Ng? Aho Whakaari, together with DEGNZ and NZWG, have initiated a second opportunity to attend. We encourage you to join us for this important hui on sexual harassment and disclosure, whether you're an employer, employee or a contractor. It's free and open to non-members. This practical workshop will help you to learn how to identify, and most importantly, deal with uncomfortable situations. Everyone deserves to feel safe in their workspace or know how to respond when they don't! Presented by Debbi Tohill, executive director of RPE (Rape Prevention Education) this workshop is a precursor to future workshops to be organised by SWAG (Screen Women's Action Group), and will cover:

  • Exactly what is sexual harassment?
  • The continuum to sexual violence
  • Keeping yourself safe
  • Creating a safe environment
  • Knowing your rights
  • Reporting
  • Making your own decisions
When: Thursday 5 September at 6 pm (for 6:30 start) - 8:30 pm
Where: St Columba Centre, 40 Vermont St, Ponsonby, Auckland