It's a timely question to ask, and one NZ On Air has set about answering in its Where are the Audiences? survey series. One of the most significant trends confirmed in the latest survey shows that online media has overtaken traditional media in terms of audience size. Online video and music streaming both reach nearly eight in ten 15-24 year olds each day, while SVOD shows the biggest growth since 2016 (56%) over-taking the audience of declining linear TV (46%). One of the biggest declines in audience size is linear TV - down 31% which is mainly due to a decline in pay TV platform viewing (down 30%). Following the decline in reach of linear TV overall, the daily reach of most TV channels shows a decline since 2016 among 15-24 year olds. TVNZ 2 remains the most popular but the significant decline in the reach of Three means TVNZ 1 is now the second most popular channel among 15-24 year olds.