Calling all TV drama scriptwriters

Posted Sunday 11 Mar 2018

If scriptwriting for television drama is your calling, then this is the opportunity you've been waiting for. Script to Screen Te Tari Tuhi Kupu a Whakaahua's brand new pilot programme EPISODIC LAB AOTEAROA is the first of its kind in New Zealand. Writers and/or teams with a track record will compete for eight places in the pilot Episodic Lab, where they will workshop their concepts with experienced television writer advisors from New Zealand, Australia and beyond. The programme starts with five immersive days working on story after which participants go on to receive follow up mentoring and support,
including introductions to the executives of episodic television platforms, production houses
and funders. Applications will be open from late March until the end of April, and the five-day lab takes
place in Auckland July 23-27.

More details here