DEGNZ assistant editors advanced skills workshop

Posted Tuesday 30 Apr 2019

Assistant editors, here's an advanced skills workshop designed to follow on from the Mandatory Skills Workshop held last December. DEGNZ invites applications for this hands-on, two-day workshop for assistant editors who have completed either the Mandatory Skills Workshop or have strong basic Avid system skills, and for technically-minded Avid practitioners who wish to step up to more complex productions. It recognises the distinct and essential role that assistant editors play in post production - across feature, documentary and television projects - and will focus on the essentials you need to excel in that role. The workshop will deal with key skills considered essential for assistant editors moving onto feature length productions involving handling multiple workstations, visual effects, exports, handovers, changes and archiving. Prospective participants should have a strong working knowledge of Avid Media Composer. Up to 12 participants will be selected from applications. Do note that this is not a beginners' workshop!
EXTENDED application deadline: 9am, Friday 10 May 2019

When: Saturday 25 - Sunday 26 May, 2019
Where: Te Kahui Auaha 65 Dixon Street, Te Aro, Wellington
Cost: Free for DEGNZ members, $100 for non-members. Travel allowances may be available to a limited number of DEGNZ members travelling from outside the Wellington region to attend.

Click here for more information and to register