Raupapa Whakaari Drama to the World funding applications open

Posted Tuesday 05 Feb 2019

Here's a wonderful new initiative designed to give filmmakers a greater understanding of how the international TV landscape works. Created by the New Zealand Film Commission and NZ On Air in conjunction with Script to Screen, the Raupapa Whakaari initiative aims to further develop New Zealand writers' and producers' capacity to create high-end drama series concepts. Up to 10 writer/producer teams will be selected to attend an immersive Series Drama Lab and receive a grant of $10,000 to further develop their concept into a strong pitch. The Series Drama Lab is five-days of intensive project development under the tutelage of high-level international advisors, including craft-based workshops, story feedback sessions and writers' tables. Following the lab each team will have the opportunity to submit a re-worked pitch and a plan for packaging their project for the international market, with four grants available of up to $80,000.

Click here to read more and to apply

Applications open: 9am, 18 February 2019
Applications close: 9am, 18 March 2019