NZOA reports on 30 years of local media

Posted Monday 11 Nov 2019

NZOA 30 Year Report

NZ On Air has released new research that spotlights how New Zealanders view ourselves - our perceptions of our culture and identity, and our relationship with local media.The research, conducted by Research NZ, coincides with NZ On Air's 30th birthday, The key findings show:
-Our national identity has evolved, but we still see ourselves as friendly, genuine and straight-up.
-We acknowledge M?ori culture is integral to national identity.
-We're troubled by some important environmental and social issues, for example, the fact that the 'quarter acre' paradise dream is over.
-We think our national sports teams shape and reflect our national identity more so than other cultural elements.
-One in four New Zealanders watch local content because it reflects and informs their view of our national identity, but even those who don't watch local content believe it's important to have it.
-More New Zealanders would watch more New Zealand-made content, but they want it on the services they watch, ad-free, and they want it specific to their age/interests.
-New Zealanders want news media that's independent and informative.

Click here to read a summary of the report

IMAGE/Mick Finn