WIN tickets to Happy Endings

Posted Wednesday 13 Nov 2019


We have 10 double passes to give away to Happy Endings, a cheeky, Nordic-star-studded romantic comedy about starting over later in life. Helle (Birthe Neumann) has been waiting forever for her workaholic husband Peter (Kurt Ravn) to retire so they can make the most of their autumn years together. But on the eve of his retirement Helle's dreams of travel and excitement are dashed - not only is Peter launching a new career, but he's invested their entire savings in a boutique vineyard in Austria. Unable to find a compromise Helle and Kurt split, to the astonishment of their family and friends. What follows is a hilarious, unflinching comedy about love, life, sex and ageism, as Helle and Kurt each embark on a journey of discovery, filled with new opportunities, problems, attitudes and dreams. But how do you start again after 50 years of marriage? Danish Director Hella Joof presents a winning examination of ageing and gender relations.
In New Zealand cinemas from December 24, 2019.

To be in the draw to win one of 10 double passes, just click here to view the trailer and answer the question below:
What's the name of the winery that Peter buys shares in?

Send your answer in the subject line of an email to before 5pm Friday 15 November, 2019. Winners only will be notified, by email.