Power, gender and new story structure workshop

Posted Wednesday 16 Oct 2019

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This brilliant workshop aims to change how you think about story structure - forever! Script To Screen presents two-day workshops in Wellington and Auckland with international film and TV professional Stephen Cleary. Split into single-gender groups, people tell stories differently. Men often tell stories with all-male characters. Women rarely tell stories with all-female characters. Women together tend to maintain a theme across their stories. Men don't. Women talk less. Men reveal less about themselves. Gender variations within storytelling matter. Our understanding of screenwriting mostly comes from work done by men trying to figure out how the stories they told worked. The vast majority of those stories centred on male characters who were powerful or had access to power. This workshop is about characters who aren't male and powerful, and discovering ways to dramatise their stories, and make those characters compulsive.

Auckland workshop
When: 30 November  - 1 December, 2019
Where:  Lecture Theatre WG404, Sir Paul Reeves Building, Auckland University of Technology - City Campus,
2 Gov Fitzroy Place, Auckland City.
Cost: $250 (+ GST).  Click here to book tickets
What to bring: Pen and paper. Morning and afternoon tea will be provided. BYO lunch. There are cafes in the area if you want to buy lunch.

Wellington workshop
When: 7 - 8  December, 2019
Where: Hunter Building Lecture Theatre 119 (HULT119),
Victoria University, Kelburn Parade, Wellington
Cost: $250 (+ GST). Click here to book tickets
What to bring: Pen and paper. Morning and afternoon tea will be provided. BYO lunch.