Posted Tuesday 07 Jul 2020
Check out the full-length version of Sweet As Candy, Kezia Barnett's gleefully over-the-top short film celebrating marching girls, musicals and 1950s rock'n'roll. Now online for the first time, the film premiered at the 2003 NZIFF, and has been digitised by NZ on Screen. Funded by…
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/video-slot-sweet-as-candy/Posted Tuesday 07 Jul 2020
The newly established Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) Film Office will dedicate $10,000 toward permit fee relief for film production activity taking place on Council land as a COVID-19 recovery initiative. Currently, fees for filming on QLDC land are typically $500/day for filming and $300…
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/qldc-film-office-offers-film-permit-fee-relief/Posted Tuesday 07 Jul 2020
Do you have a story that needs to be told in film? Apply for Script To Screen's Story Camp, a residential feature film workshop that cultivates exceptional film by fostering voice, honing craft, and clarifying vision and kaupapa. Eight selected screenwriters or creative teams …
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/story-camp-applications-open-now/Posted Tuesday 07 Jul 2020
Hooray - the Big Screen Symposium has been rescheduled to 9 - 10 October at the ASB Waterfront Theatre Auckland! This year's theme is Transforming Culture, encompassing the transformative power of story, and the transformation of our industry through technological advances.
More info…
Posted Tuesday 07 Jul 2020
From adversity springs creativity! Congratulations to Catherine Bisley and Kat Lintott whose 12-minute short Garage Stories: A Strange Collective Experience Of Isolation will be playing at the New Zealand International Film Festival, in the Kiwi Shorts selection. In a series of vignettes, the film beautifully…
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/bisley-and-lintott-s-garage-stories-to-play-at-nziff/Posted Tuesday 07 Jul 2020
Our dear friends at the Heritage Hotels have sent us the good news that the Heritage Auckland, CityLife Auckland and Heritage Queenstown have officially reopened! Remember, if you're coming to Auckland for the WIFT Awards and/or the Big Screen Symposium, the Heritage Auckland is within…
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/heritage-hotels-are-screen-industry-ready/Posted Tuesday 07 Jul 2020
We hope lots of you will nominate each other in the New Zealand TV Awards this year! The 2020 Awards will be broadcast online on 26 November, but right now you have until 9 August - which is 41 days - to submit your nominations.
… /news/news-archive/2020/jul/nominations-open-for-the-nz-tv-awards/Posted Tuesday 07 Jul 2020
Public spaces have reopened at Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision, so once again you can browse a huge amount of material at their viewing spaces at the National Library in Wellington and at their Medianet partner sites around the country. The online catalogue also holds…
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/news-from-nga-taonga/Posted Wednesday 08 Jul 2020
Covid 19 forced the closure of MFF2020 on day two in March, but it's coming back! The MFF2020 "Remount" will happen in September - tickets will go on sale mid-August, so watch this space!
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/maoriland-film-festival-2020-is-back-on/Posted Wednesday 08 Jul 2020
Take a minute to read this articulate and thought-provoking opinion piece by Emmy-nominated film and television director Sydney Freeland, on being a transgender creator in Hollywood. "I am female, Native American and transgender. On top of all that, I'm a film and TV director in…
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/sydney-freeland-minorities-can-tell-all-kinds-of-stories-not-just-their-own/Posted Wednesday 08 Jul 2020
Congratulations to Gwen Isaac whose Loading Docs short film following microbiologist Dr Siouxsie Wiles just days before New Zealand entered Level Four lockdown has been released!
Siouxsie & the Virus is available here on the New Zealand Herald platform and here on the Loading Docs platform.…
Posted Wednesday 08 Jul 2020
Due to popular demand, this Script to Screen TALK is coming to Auckland. Have you ever found yourself confused by music rights, or grappling with decisions about soundtrack or score for your film, TV or online project? Wondering what the difference is between publishing ri…
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/don-t-give-up-on-your-dream-soundtrack/Posted Wednesday 08 Jul 2020
The September funding round is primarily for production applications intended to reflect and/or appeal to targeted audiences* or for HEIHEI Games applications.
Read the full September 2020 Information for Scripted, Factual and IDF Funding applicants
Read the full September 2020 Information for HEIHEI Games a…
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/nzoa-september-funding-round-what-you-need-to-know/Posted Wednesday 08 Jul 2020
NZ On Air has two exciting new job opportunities we're glad to share with you!
First up is for a Contracts and Administration Assistant - Music to work primarily with NZOA's funded music stakeholders, mainly music managers, labels and artists. This person will be respons…
Posted Wednesday 08 Jul 2020
As any documentary maker knows, a story can change in the blink of an eye. Or, in the case of Kirsty Griffin and Viv Kernick's Pluck (available to watch here), in the diagnosis of a terminal disease. The documentary, which won Best New Zealand Short…
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/kirsty-griffin-on-the-making-of-her-award-winning-doco-pluck/Posted Wednesday 08 Jul 2020
These Awards recognise the best in global scripted creativity through one of the most highly regarded awards shows in the business. Judged by more than 100 of the world's leading drama commissioners and buyers, making them unique in being 'The Business on The Business' awards…
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/entries-open-for-the-c21-international-drama-awards/Posted Wednesday 08 Jul 2020
Congratulations to Rebecca Tansley who has been awarded Seed funding in the New Zealand Writers Guild's first round for 2020. The NZWG says the application rate for this round was excellent, with 153 Seed and 28 Seed Advanced applications received. Rebecca's funding is for…
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/tansley-s-portrait-of-a-modern-woman-wins-seed-funding/Posted Wednesday 08 Jul 2020
New Zealand's children are increasingly consuming stories, songs and games on international media and platforms, missing out on local content which is potentially having an impact on their sense of identity and belonging, finds a report by New Zealand On Air.
Some of t…
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/survey-shows-a-dramatic-shift-in-how-children-access-media/Posted Wednesday 08 Jul 2020
Posted Wednesday 08 Jul 2020
Are you ready to be part of film festival history?! In three weeks Wh?nau M?rama: New Zealand International Film Festival (24 July - 3 August, 2020) will be the first hybrid film festival in the world presenting its programme of films both online an…
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/nziff-2020-a-world-first-hybrid/Posted Wednesday 08 Jul 2020
Be sure to book your ticket now for this fabulous Masterclass on directing documentary with multi-award winning filmmaker and NZ Arts Laureate Leanne Pooley. The classes will run in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch, and Leanne will share the lessons she's learned in her 25 years…
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/join-leanne-pooley-for-a-masterclass-in-directing-documentary/Posted Wednesday 08 Jul 2020
It looks like this week's eNews is all about the documentary! Open to short doc filmmakers all over the world, the Global Short Docs Forum 2020 from One World Media will bring together 12 filmmakers to attend an intensive 4-week series of online workshops, mento…
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/online-global-short-docs-forum-2020/Posted Wednesday 08 Jul 2020
How gender diverse are we with directors in the Large Budget Screen Production Grant? Showtools analysed the figures - and discovered shocking results! Check out their latest video to find out more.
Click here t…
Posted Wednesday 08 Jul 2020
This webinar, in association with Global Women, brings together Jane Yonge of Te Taumata Toi-a-iwi, the Auckland regional arts trust, with Creative New Zealand deputy chair Caren Rangi ONZM, and artists Gill Gatfield and Judy Darragh for a sixty minute korero. They'll dive into…
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/arts-sector-aotearoa-lifting-the-lid-on-gender-bias/Posted Wednesday 08 Jul 2020
We're pleased to see that the ScreenSafe/SWAG Screen Industry Professional Respect Training Project is back up and running, with the next five dates confirmed. The course will address sexual harassment and harassment, definitions, disclosures, and respectful behaviours in the workplace. While it's designed primaril…
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/apply-now-for-screensafe-swag-screen-industry-professional-respect-training-workshops/Posted Wednesday 08 Jul 2020
Head of production
Perriam Media
Producer, Seven Sharp
Multimedia journalist
People & delivery administrator
NZ Symphony Orchestra
Communications manager
Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra
Academic manager
SAE Creative Media Institute
Video producer
Video Taxi
Content presenter
NZ Young Writers' Festival
Production coordinator
Punarau Media
Senior journalist, NZ House & Garden
Wedding and event videographer
Posted Wednesday 08 Jul 2020
ScreenSafe recommends that productions working with children, and especially those filming at schools or events which host a significant number of children, undertake vetting of all production crew, and employ a Safety Officer to monitor the production's interaction with the children. Productions need t…
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/a-reminder-from-screensafe-on-working-with-children/Posted Wednesday 08 Jul 2020
We're thrilled to hear that the feature film The Turn of the Screw produced by Nicola Peeperkoorn and Emma Beale will have its world premiere at the Shanghai International Film Festival in late July.
Directed by Wellingtonian Alex Galvin and shot entirely in Wellington, the…
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/peeperkoorn-and-beale-s-film-premieres-in-shanghai-film-festival/Posted Tuesday 21 Jul 2020
Academic Manager
SAE Institute
Avid Editor
Whitebait media
Technical Intern
Whitebait Media
Senior set up producer The AM Show
Camera operator
Director Ng? Toi M?ori + Director Intercultural Development
Marketing & Publicity Manager
Digital Media Trust
Video editor
Flashworks Media
Posted Wednesday 22 Jul 2020
Check out the web series Misconceptions, now available to view, which features several members in key roles: director, editor, producer and researcher Charlotte Wanhill; writer and researcher Kathryn van Beek, field director Soana Aholelei and executive producer Ngaire Fuata. The ten-part series, made by Digital…
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/watch-web-series-misconceptions/Posted Wednesday 22 Jul 2020
We're in awe of hardworking mum Faye McNeil and her husband Preston who have come up with a novel idea to indulge in some post-lockdown travel with their whanau. The couple are filming their road trip with their three kids (Khan, 8, Arcarius, 6 and…
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/travel-in-your-backyard/Posted Wednesday 22 Jul 2020
Roll out the red carpet, the New Zealand Television Awards are back - yes, as a proper event! The Gala and Craft ceremonies will be combined into one celebratory event, and the Awards will be supper-style with table seating for guests. Tickets will b…
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/the-nz-tv-awards-are-happening/Posted Wednesday 22 Jul 2020
Check out the latest Flip the Script conversation produced by Brough Johnson's Narrative Muse. Transgender writer/producer Cole Meyers talks to fellow trans artist Ramon Te Wake about their new groundbreaking drama series called Rūrangi, which stars Meyers, and which Craig Gainsborough produced.
Narrative Muse is…
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/transgender-drama-aims-to-save-lives/Posted Wednesday 22 Jul 2020
And since we're mentioning her, documentary makers, don't miss out on your chance to pick Leanne Pooley's brain! Multi-award winning filmmaker and NZ Arts Laureate Leanne is holding Masterclasses on directing documentary in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch, sharing the lessons she's learned in her… |
Posted Wednesday 22 Jul 2020
Leanne Pooley's inspiring and fearless documentary The Girl On The Bridge is playing at three additional Auckland cinemas as well as at the New Zealand International Film Festival (NZIFF) online - see below for details, and click the image above to watch the trailer.
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/get-tickets-to-extra-screenings-of-the-girl-on-the-bridge/Posted Wednesday 22 Jul 2020
Celebrate the incredible wāhine of Aotearoa by nominating one in the Women of Influence Awards! The annual Awards are presented by Stuff and Westpac NZ, and nominations for the 2020 Awards are now open. Nominations close on 31 August, 2020.
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/nominations-open-for-women-of-influence-awards/Posted Wednesday 22 Jul 2020
The (non-binding) referendum to legalise cannabis is fast approaching and this 20-minute Shirley Horrocks documentary gives even-handed information about the issues involved. It's part of the Science & series, which centres around the work of the Prime Minister's Chief Science Advisor Juliet Gerrard, though director…
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/science-the-cannabis-referendum/Posted Wednesday 22 Jul 2020
You have until 30 September to get your entries in to Europe's premiere TV Entertainment Awards! The 59th annual Rose d'Or Awards, to be held online on 29 November, 2020, will this year feature the 'Innovation in the time of Covid' Award, to go to…
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/entries-open-for-the-rose-d-or-awards/Posted Wednesday 22 Jul 2020
Calling all directors: register now for these DEGNZ Rehearsal & Performance sessions with actor and director Lucy Wigmore. The sessions aim to present directors with a hands-on opportunity to dig deeper into the director-actor relationship. Suitable for film school graduates (or equivalent) to mid-career directors.
… /news/news-archive/2020/jul/rehearsal-performance-workshops-for-directors/Posted Wednesday 22 Jul 2020
In 2020, for the first time, Ngā Whanaunga Māori Pasifika Shorts is a competitive section in the Whānau Mārama: New Zealand International Film Festival (NZIFF). The best film in Ngā Whanaunga Māori Pasifika Shorts, as judged by an international jury, will receive the Wellington UNESCO…
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/two-awards-for-nga-whanaunga-maori-pasifika-shorts-at-nziff/Posted Wednesday 22 Jul 2020
Here's a fantastic opportunity to learn from Bellbird writer and director Hamish Bennett. This Script To Screen filmmaking workshop focuses on building your screen story around interesting, original and compelling characters. Hamish will explore character and story and explain how to tap into your own…
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/christchurch-filmmaking-workshop-with-hamish-bennett/Posted Wednesday 22 Jul 2020
The screen industry drama market and conference Content London 2020, will be an on-demand digital box set event under the theme The New Normal, with a companion live event scheduled to take place if conditions allow. The box-set will include a series of keynote intervi…
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/content-london-events-to-be-on-demand/Posted Wednesday 22 Jul 2020
Film Auckland is offering a chance to discover what the election means for the industry you work in. Before you cast your vote this year you need to know what each party is promising and what the impact will be on you. Are they going…
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/screen-industry-election-forum-2020/Posted Wednesday 22 Jul 2020
The country's artistic landscape may continue to shift and metamorphose into new forms every day. Check out this special edition PANNZ hui which allowed creatives to stand on slightly more solid ground with an in-depth look at Creative New Zealand's second phase of its emerg…
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/creative-nz-panel-discusses-new-funding/Posted Wednesday 22 Jul 2020
A big congratulations to Alyx Duncan, Gwen Isaacs, Briar March, and Abi King Jones who were all successful in their applications for the Film Commission's new online mentorship programme, Hunga Taunaki ā Rorohiko. Mentees will be matched with experienced New Zealand filmmakers to work on…
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/nzfc-mentorships-announced/Posted Wednesday 22 Jul 2020
We're thrilled to hear that the five-part online video series Jessica's Tree has won a gold award for best web series at the New York International Film Festival. Produced by Alex Reed, written and executive produced by Cass Avery and edited by Margot Francis, the…
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/jessica-s-tree-wins-gold-at-new-york-film-festival/Posted Wednesday 22 Jul 2020
It's great to see so many members will receive funding from NZOA for their projects! Well done to all of you!
Greenstone Television receives up to $5,680,000 + Platform contribution relief of $336,000* for Vegas, which is in collaboration with 10,000 Company and Steambox Collective, fo…
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/wifters-stand-out-in-nzoa-funding-round/Posted Wednesday 22 Jul 2020
The very awesome Roseanne Liang has just finished directing a big budget American thriller, and tells The Spinoff's Michelle Langstone all about cosmic partnerships, her love of fight sequences, and her brush with a #MeToo scandal.
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/roseanne-liang-on-filming-fight-sequences-and-finding-herself/Posted Wednesday 22 Jul 2020
Artful storytelling is more urgent than ever in these times of upheaval and change. Despite disruption, Story Camp Aotearoa will go forward in 2020 so apply now for this wonderful opportunity to learn from the best. International advisors will participate via video chat.
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/don-t-miss-out-on-story-camp-aotearoa/Posted Wednesday 22 Jul 2020
Bristol City of Film has led the design and development of the multilingual Cities of Film website. The website launched last week to connect the 18 Cities of Film that are part of UNESCO Creative Cities Network, in order to showcase the work taking place…
/news/news-archive/2020/jul/cities-of-film-launches-new-multilingual-website/Posted Wednesday 22 Jul 2020
Whatever you're doing on the 25th of this month, make sure you grab your camera or smartphone and film it - all day! On July 25, 2020, film your day and you may become part of a historic global documentary, produced by Ridley Scott, directed…