PASC seeks Pan Asian screenwriters for development lab

Posted Tuesday 10 Nov 2020

The Pan-Asian Screen Collective (PASC) presents an initiative that caters to Pan-Asian screenwriters in the development stages of their feature film projects.

Before FADE IN seeks to strengthen feature projects of Pan-Asian screenwriters so they're able to work independently or apply to existing feature developments initiatives such as SEED and Story Camp with more support.

Convened by international screenwriter and academic Dr Shuchi Kothari, the initiative is designed to provide writers with real, practical tools with which to crack their story's core through an on-site lab and extended one-on-one mentoring after the lab.

This lab, scheduled from Friday 11 December to Sunday 13 December, is suitable for:

New practitioners writing their first feature

Emerging practitioners who are in nascent stages of a new project

New and Emerging practitioners who have written a first draft but feel the need to address the core writing issues of the story rather than relying on superficial remedies and edits.

Applications close on 23 November 2020 at 1pm.

Click here for more information and to apply