Screenrights announces $295k funding for New Voices

Posted Tuesday 15 Sep 2020

Screenrights has announced a record seven projects, including two New Zealand initiatives, will be supported by its 2020 Cultural Fund. The total funding amount increased from $250K to $295K for this year's initiatives, submitted around the focus of 'New Voices'.

Among the five recipients that will each receive $45,000 are two New Zealand projects:

Script to Screen | Te Tari Tuhi Kupu A Whakaahua, who will run a three-stage Paerangi program that finds new voices in remote regions of New Zealand, and gives isolated and inexperienced aspiring filmmakers the tools to develop a captivating story for screen;

Bay of Islands-based Tai Huri Films, for a training and skill development workshop for rangatahi M?ori aged 15-25 to explore cultural narratives using the art of cinematic storytelling.

Screenrights is a non-profit member organisation that provides rights and royalty management services to the screen industry.