Miss Juneteenth follows Turquoise Jones (Nicole Beharie - Little Fires Everywhere, Sleepy Hollow, The Good Wife, Shame), a single mother in Fort Worth who wants her 15-year-old daughter, Kai (newcomer Alexis Chikaeze), to win the Miss Juneteenth pageant, an annual competition that awards the winner a scholarship to a historically black college or university of her choice.
"The debut feature from Channing Godfrey Peoples explores how black women and girls support each other in a world that often fails them." - The New York Times
Miss Juneteenth is opening 8 October in cinemas in Auckland, Tauranga, Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin.
Thanks to Rialto Distribution, we have six double passes to give away! To be in to win, click here to watch the trailer and answer the question below:
What kind of knife does Kai pick up by mistake during the dinner?
Send your answer in the subject line of an email to office@wiftnz.org.nz before 5pm Friday 2 October, 2020.
Winners only will be notified by email.