Filmmakers, scriptwriters: you need to get on the Black List!

Posted Wednesday 17 Feb 2021

Filmmakers, scriptwriters: you need to get on the Black List!

The Black List is partnering with the New Zealand Film Commission (NZFC) for the Black List New Zealand Project (BLNZP), an initiative that will fund:

- Assessment of your feature film script by the Black List's assessors;

- Attendance at a virtual Workshop and Mentorship series designed and hosted by the Black List;

- NZFC Development Financing of up to NZ$25,000.

All submitted projects will receive two written assessments from the Black List.

The BLNZP has two stages.

  1. Assessment - the Black List will assess each submitted script against the assessment criteria in the guidelines.  A shortlist of 20 projects will then be assessed by the BLNZP Panel with six projects selected to move to the next stage.
  2. Workshop and Mentorship Series - the Black List will host the filmmakers from each of the six selected projects for a virtual workshop and mentorship series over the course of a month.

Click here for further information including criteria, guidelines and application cover sheet.

The deadline for submissions is 1pm on 19 March, 2021.

Selected final participants will be notified by 4 May, 2021 and the program will begin 31 May, 2021.