RNZ Commissioning RFP for youth/rangitahi

Posted Wednesday 03 Feb 2021

In response to the New Zealand On Air RFP for youth and rangitahi, RNZ has released the commissioning panui below:

RNZ is seeking high quality, music and factual proposals that resonate with rangatahi/young people. Successful proposals will be offered platform support for applications being submitted into this New Zealand On Air round.

RNZ is open to pitches of any genre or format, whether it's forward-thinking, inspirational and upbeat, or something that's just great to watch. Please choose your ideas carefully as only the first two applications from each production company/team will be accepted.

This audience consumes media in a non-traditional sense and it's important that your pitch conveys how you'll address this. It's imperative that all pitches take a social-led approach. The content will be made available on new and existing RNZ platforms with established audiences, including YouTube, Facebook, the RNZ website and multiple other social media platforms.

To simplify email tracking, please submit only one pitch (plus cover sheet) per email (ie if you're submitting two pitches send them in two separate emails). Use the following subject line: "PITCH: YTH RFP - NAME OF PITCH - PRODUCTION COMPANY NAME"

For full information and timelines regarding this RFP please refer to these documents:

RNZ Commissioning - RFP (Youth 2021) PUBLISHED @ 020221

RNZ Commissioning - RFP Pitch Cover Sheet (Youth 2021)

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