Spread the word! This rollicking crime caper produced by Robin Murphy and starring James Rolleston and Rebecca Gibney is out online! The second Covid lockdown in August meant this film couldn't reach a wide audience at the movies, but you can help make it an online sensation!
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Rent or buy it at these links: (FYI, it's R13)
You could also share some positive reviews from when the film opened in cinemas last year:
Stuff (NZ) "a swaggering triumph"
Radio New Zealand (NZ) "The performances are terrific across the board, from Gibney and Rolleston at the top, to young Olivia Morphew who steals every scene she's in"
9Now (Australia) "My pick of the week is a New Zealand Number that can only be described as rollicking good fun"
Stack (Australia) "This New Zealand crime caper has charm and energy, and Rebecca Gibney as a great villain"