Cousins streaming on Netflix

Posted Tuesday 06 Jul 2021

Cousins streaming on Netflix

If you missed it in the cinema, you can see Cousins, helmed by Māori filmmaking duo Ainsley Gardiner and Briar Grace-Smith, on Netflix where it will be streaming from July 22.

Also, Array Releasing, the distribution arm of Ava DuVernay’s Array collective, has picked up North America, UK and Ireland rights to the film, and it was released on 2 July.

Cousins is a beautiful story exploring identity, culture and family that goes beyond borders and time,” Array president Tilane Jones said.

“Ainsley Gardiner and Briar Grace-Smith have crafted an impassioned adaptation of Patricia Grace’s classic novel that allows insight and understanding into the Māori culture, as well as the injustice faced by many indigenous groups. We are inspired at Array to be able to work with this talented duo and bring this powerful film to audiences across the globe.”