5 October closing date for Premium Productions Fund Interim Production funding

Posted Tuesday 14 Sep 2021

5 October closing date for Premium Productions Fund Interim Production funding

An extra opportunity for funding for the screen industry, supported by the guilds, was announced on 30 August by funding agencies Te Tumu Whakaata Taonga New Zealand Film Commission (NZFC), Te Māngai Pāho and Irirangi te Motu (NZ On Air).  

This Interim Production Funding Round intends to distribute money quickly to stimulate the domestic screen industry to recover from COVID-19 and generate employment. It is for projects that can clearly demonstrate ‘production readiness’ while maintaining the overall purpose of the Fund which is to ‘deliver high-quality Aotearoa New Zealand stories for international audiences’. 

If you missed it, you can tune in to last week's webinar here for guidance on what the fund is looking for in an application. The webinar speaker was New Zealand Film Commission Co-Head of Te Puna Kairangi - Premium Productions Fund, Polly Fryer, with an introduction from CEO David Strong. The session was moderated by Co-Head of Te Puna Kairangi – Premium Productions Fund, Kay Ellmers, and Funding Advisor for the round, Matthew Horrocks, was also introduced.  

Round closes:  Tuesday 5 October, 1pm 

Updated Premium Fund Terms of Trade, Guidelines for the Interim Round and a submission checklist are available here