Webinar tomorrow on workflow best practices from set to screen

Posted Tuesday 14 Sep 2021

Webinar tomorrow on workflow best practices from set to screen

Tune in tomorrow for a webinar on Set To Screen Workflow, run by the Screen Music & Sound Guild of New Zealand. This session is targeted at producers, directors, editors and sound crew who are interested in spanning the bridge between production and post to create highly effective workflows.

It will focus squarely on the importance of the communication flow in creating an effective, and repeatable ‘set to screen' workflow. There are many pitfalls in moving through the sound spectrum from production to post, and the democratisation of tools has not helped the situation. This session is sure to elicit some strong opinions!

Guests are Jake Slaney, Chris Sinclair and esteemed film editor Annie Collins. Joining them will be Isaac Spedding, Head of Rebel Fleet. Isaac will add the important DIT perspective to the conversation. John McKay of POW Studios will host the session and his passion for creating an effective workflow will ensure everything moves along at a clipping pace and allow time for Q&A.

When: Thursday 16 September, from 3pm – 4.30pm.

Where: Online. Click here for the event