Hurrah! The New Zealand Film Commission is excited to announce the release of a new application portal called Tomo-mai. The target release date is 23 February 2022.
Tomo-mai is an invitation for New Zealanders to connect with the NZFC on their filmmaking journey.
Here are the important things to know:
• Existing portal users will be sent a link inviting you to sign up to the new portal. Users will need to sign up for an account. Links will be sent out in mid-February.
• Funds that are ‘always open’ will close 7 February 2022 and will re-open in the new portal. Applications cannot be made to these specific funds between 7 – 23 February 2022.
• Any unsubmitted applications should be submitted before the temporary portal close date as unsubmitted applications will not be migrated.
• All other funds will run as per their published dates.
News and updates about the new portal can be found at this link.
If you have concerns about any of the upcoming changes, you can contact the Resources Team who will be happy to help (