NZWG Seed and Seed Advanced Round 1 for 2022 now open!

Posted Wednesday 16 Feb 2022

NZWG Seed and Seed Advanced Round 1 for 2022 now open!

Woohoo - two extra grants have been added to Round 1 of the Seed Grant fund! Seed now has six grants available, previous rounds of Seed only had four grants available.

That's two additional opportunities for screenwriters to receive a grant in this coveted screenwriter-only fund. There are still two Seed Advanced grants available. Thank you to the New Zealand Film Commission for continuing to support screenwriters.

The NZWG Seed grants allow writers to be innovative, brilliant, and to create something they own. The writer is the rights holder, and not working with a producer in early development.

The Seed Advanced pathway is aimed at reducing competition in the Seed pathway, by separating emerging writers from more experienced writers. The Seed Advanced grants also acknowledge experienced writers by offering a higher grant level and flexibility around development costs.

All grant applications are assessed through a blind-read process and marked on the following criteria:

  1. Idea – is it compelling/engaging? Does it have an audience?
  2. Craft – is the writer able to execute the screenplay on a high enough level to deliver on the promise of the idea?
  3. Voice – is the writer’s voice original and clear?

All applications require the following material:

Grants available for Round 1 for 2022:

Seed: 6 Grants of $10,000 - includes $2,500 for script consultation.
Seed Advanced: 2 Grants of $12,500 - includes $2,500 for script development.

DEADLINE: 25 March 2022 – 12 noon