NZ On Air July/September Funding Round details

Posted Tuesday 28 Jun 2022

NZ On Air July/September Funding Round details

The good folk at NZ On Air have put together this pānui for all Scripted, Factual, and Industry Development funding. It's focused on production applications intended to reflect and/or appeal to targeted audiences which includes funding for Children’s content. Information for producers intending to make a Children’s content funding application can be read in this separate document. 

Production applications (excluding Children’s content) will be considered as follows:

 – the focus for this round is for applications for targeted audiences that will deliver to all genres of Factual content.

  • These applications are most likely to deliver to the Many Perspectives and Fresh Opportunities streams of the Factual Roadmap.
  • Approximately $8m has been allocated for Factual content in this round.

Scripted – the focus for this round is for applications for the Sustainable and Newer Storytellers streams of our Scripted Roadmap.

  •  Approximately $5m has been allocated for Scripted content in this round.

Development – both Content (including Diverse Development) and Industry Development applications will be considered. However, funding for both streams is limited and applications will have to reach a high bar to be successful. Please see the Development Roadmap.

  • Factual development applications will only be accepted for projects that require significant research and have co-funding from the supporting platform. 

Further information and minor updates to our Content and Industry Development Funding policies can be seen in paragraph F of the round information document.


23 Jun 2022, 4pm Round open for applications. 

All applications must be made through NZ On Air’s online application system. Applications not submitted through this system will not be accepted. 

21 July 2022, 4pm Application deadline. Round closes. 

Late applications will not be considered. In very exceptional circumstances, for time-sensitive projects agreed prior by the Head of Funding, we may consider an out of time application. 

21 September 2022 Decisions confirmed, applicants notified the following day. This date may be extended at NZ On Air’s sole discretion.