Kiwi filmmaker Dame Gaylene Preston has been charting stories of love, war, calamity, and inspirational women for four decades. Now her work, and useful information about it, is easily accessible online via new resources from NZ On Screen and Ngā Taonga Sound and Vision.
Ngā Taonga's Dame Gaylene Preston Finding Aid is a living document where researchers can read an overview of each decade of Dame Gaylene’s career and get an idea of what content exists in Nga Taonga's Archive and others around the world. It's the most comprehensive catalogue of her filmography available and was created in close collaboration with the filmmaker.
Over at NZ On Screen, The Gaylene Preston Collection offers a chance to sample her early work and memorable documentaries (War Stories Our Mother Never Told Us, Titless Wonders), her full-length movies (Home by Christmas and Perfect Strangers) and TV dramas (Hope and Wire). There are also tributes by Three movie critic Kate Rodger, cinematographer Alun Bollinger, and archivist Danny Bultitude.