Give Anna Cottrell's doco a Boost!

Posted Thursday 01 Jun 2023

Give Anna Cottrell's doco a Boost!

Students, conscientious objectors and peace activists: Robert Reid and his activist mates set up OHMS — not On Her Majesty's Service but Organisation to Halt Military Service. They began a series of creative disruptive activities up and down Aotearoa to overthrow Compulsory Military Training. 

Written and directed by Anna Cottrell, the 30-minute documentary OHMS! PROTEST! tells their entertaining stories. Featuring interviews with those involved it is a reminder of the power of activism and ordinary people standing up for what they believe in. 

Anna is running a Boosted campaign to pay off the last invoices for this entirely self-funded documentary. 

Click here to give a financial boost to Anna and her team!

OHMS! PROTEST! will also screen on Friday 9 June at Doc Edge in Wellington in the NZ Shorts 1 session.

Click here for information and tickets