Waitaha Canterbury Screen Story Incubator

Posted Monday 27 Mar 2023

Waitaha Canterbury Screen Story Incubator

Cantabrians, apply now for this new initiative, developed especially for screen creatives in Waitaha Canterbury wanting to advance their careers.

Developed by Script to Screen, in collaboration with Te Puna Matarau, the programme is suitable for emerging and mid-career practitioners. To be eligible, applicants must have a strong connection with the Waitaha Canterbury region and have a project viable for production. They are seeking applications from originators of feature films, TV series, and narrative driven video games.

Four projects will be selected, and their originators will attend three one-day workshops held July to September 2023. Creative teams will receive personalised advice to develop their project and hear from experienced industry practitioners chosen to meet the needs of the teams.

The purpose of this programme is to support the development of IP in the region and support creators to get their work closer to funding and production. Participants will increase their contacts in the industry and connect with other creators.

Te Puna Matarau is a new organisation formed by and for Waitaha Canterbury screen practitioners.

Applications close: 1pm, 19 April 2023.

Workshop dates:  Script to Screen will confirm dates before the application process closes. 

Note:  All workshop expenses are covered other than the participants getting to the workshop venue in Christchurch. 

Click here for application requirements

Click here to apply