Tamariki Rangatahi funding round

Posted Tuesday 23 Apr 2024

Tamariki Rangatahi funding round

Te Māngai Pāho have released a Request For Proposals for the 2024/25 Tamariki Rangatahi funding round.

The purpose of this targeted audience funding is to support the creation of quality, reo Māori content that will contribute to the normalisation and wellbeing of te reo Māori through a Tamariki or Rangatahi audience. They are seeking content ideas that are relatable, age-appropriate, supports learning, and an immersive engagement with te reo Māori.

Te Māngai Pāho expects to allocate up to $5,000,000

Funding for Tamariki content is available for age-appropriate content that contains 100% te reo Māori for Fluent audiences.

Funding for Rangatahi content is available for age-appropriate content that contains 70-100% te reo Māori for Fluent audiences.

There is an online hui to learn about this funding round, 1pm on Tuesday April 30. Register here. Sign up for this so you can be best equipped with your application.