Rest in peace Susi Newborn

Posted Tuesday 23 Jan 2024

Rest in peace Susi Newborn

Here at WIFT we are sad to note that our previous Executive Director, Susi Newborn passed away on 31 December.  Susi ran WIFT from 2010 – 2012 with a dedication to emerging filmmakers, but her lifetime commitment was to social justice and activism.

A woman of commitment, she frequently quoted Laurel Thatcher Ulrich who wrote “Well behaved women rarely make history.”  Susi did make history, as a peace campaigner and environmental activist. Few of us make the impact she did in her lifetime commitment to environmental causes, both on land and sea.  A well-known long-term resident of Waiheke Island, this feature from the Sunday Star-Times evokes her character so well.

We believe Susi is at peace now on Waiheke and our sympathy goes out to those of you who knew Susi well and are grieving.