Today's News from NZFC

Posted Tuesday 07 May 2024

Today's News from NZFC

We bring you this important press release from the New Zealand Film Commission, and we offer our support as the staff go through this process of change. 

NZFC has now finalised decisions on its new structure, to commence 1 July. The final structure has 28 positions disestablished and 15 new roles established, therefore a net reduction of 13 positions. Seven of the disestablished positions were vacant. 

Over the next few weeks, we will work through redeployment of affected staff, and recruitment as required. I would like to thank my staff for their patience and professionalism as we have worked through this process. 

The next phase for NZFC is about doing things differently so we stay relevant, focused, and use our resources to target how we can best add value to an industry of significant importance to New Zealand and New Zealanders.  
This means thinking differently about every aspect of what we do and making changes that range from granting funding directly to industry for talent and skills development, to stopping giving creative feedback on scripts, reviewing our marketing function and how our funds are streamlined. 
I look forward to this next phase for the New Zealand Film Commission with a great deal of optimism – I see a future where there is a much better understanding of what we will deliver and we are clear on our purpose, which is to fund excellent films. 

In the meantime it is business as usual under the current Leadership Team who you will find listed here along with contact information. - Annie Murray