Posted Tuesday 04 Feb 2025
Script to Screen is presenting a two day workshop delivered by renowned Australian script editor/EP/creative producer Claire Dobbin in QUEENSTOWN AND DUNEDIN.
Getting to work with Claire Dobbin is a rare opportunity for those committed to investing in themselves, their creativity, and their future as screen storytellers.
The workshop is designed for producers, writers, HOD’s and other key creatives.
The workshop will cover:
How to build mutually respectful and productive relationships
How to develop confidence to explore creative conversations, and to find a shared vision with collaborators
The function that script development plays in the final production
How to identify story issues, exploring solutions through a questioning process while upholding the creative vision of a script
For this workshop, advanced preparation of approximately 16-24 hrs is required. Participants will have a curated watch list and script reading to complete. These case studies will form an integral foundation for the analysis and discussion undertaken over the weekend.
Note: Places are limited. In order to complete the online registration you will be asked a series of short answer questions. You will be notified at least 2 weeks prior, if you have gained a place within the workshop.
Details: Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 February 2025 - 9:00am - 5:00pm
Location: Puāwai at Te Atamira
Building 11, Dart House, Remarkables Park Town Centre 12 Hawthorne Drive, Frankton, Queenstown 9300 - Wheelchair Access is available. If you require, let them know.
DETAILS: Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd March 2025 - 9:00am - 5:00pm
Location: University of Otago Centre for Innovation, Seminar Room
87 Saint David Street, Dunedin North, Dunedin 9016
Cost:Was $85 - Now $20 - Tickets have been subsidised by Film Queenstown Lakes
On both days morning tea and afternoon tea provided BYO lunch.