APN Pitching Forum Deadline

Posted Monday 05 Sep 2011

Submissions for project pitching at the Asia Pacific Producers' Network (APN) Symposium 2011 close on 5 September. Ten projects will be selected and allocated five minutes to pitch. Successful projects will be relevant to Asian markets and identify opportunities available in areas such as co-production financing and distribution.

Format requirements are as follows:

  • Maximum of 2 x A4 pages, presented in Word format, plus attached budget
  • All files should be named: APN 2011-[your name]-project title

Content requirements - In this order:

  1. Project Working Title
  2. Country and Language of Production
  3. One sentence logline
  4. Synopsis of no more than 150 words
  5. Any relevant technical information
  6. Brief details of production company and key personnel
  7. Budget Outline (separate sheet)
  8. Target audience and any marketing plans
  9. Type of partnerships sought (e.g. co-production, finance, distribution deals, etc.)
  10. Full Contact Information including name, company, address, telephone, website, email

Please email submissions to APN Symposium Co-ordinator Tina Bregant at tina.bregant@filmauckland.com