Tune in to Davies' docuseries The Collective

Posted Tuesday 27 Apr 2021

Tune in to Davies' docuseries The Collective

A lot of hard work has paid off for producer Rachale Davies (Ngāti Mahanga), whose docuseries The Collective is live now on rnz.co.nz/thecollective.

The eight-part docuseries by Boxed Media follows six rangitahi through a youth music programme designed to give them real-world skills and help them make positive life changes through the power of music.

The series shows the artists creating music, sharing their backstories and hopes for the future, and working together to pull off an event to showcase their talents.

The Crescendo programme gives the artists the opportunity to work week to week with industry mentors such as Marcus Powell (Blindspott) and David Atai (Nesian Mystic), and to connect with award-winning artists such as Melodownz and MC Tali who offer their insights to the artists as they work to take control of their futures.

“It’s been an amazing experience working with the crew to document the stories of these six talented rangatahi and I think viewers will find their stories compelling,” Rachale says.