We have a mouthwatering offer for you this week! Directed by Australia's Beth Elise Hawk, Breaking Bread follows Arab and Jewish chefs in Haifa, Israel as they collaborate in the kitchen. Connected through a shared love of food, the chefs unite to celebrate their cultures and the food of their region free from political and religious boundaries. A celebration of the region’s diverse cuisines and people, Breaking Bread offers a delicious taste of rich culinary traditions that will leave you wanting more.
We have five double passes to give away to Breaking Bread!
To enter the draw to win, click here to watch the trailer and answer the question below.
Fill in the missing word:
“I think they should have given ____ to make peace in the world.”
Send your answer in the subject line of an email to office@wiftnz.org.nz by 5pm Monday 15 November.
Winners only will be notified, by email.