This is a fabulous opportunity for M?ori filmmakers from rangatahi to those who are established to turn your brilliant idea into a production-ready project!
Pre registration is necessary - only invited filmmakers will be able to pitch on the day.
You must register by Thursday 23 April, 2020.
Selected pitches will be notified on the 24 April, 2020.
Pitch will take place live via Zoom on 27 April, 2020.
The M?oriland Pitch is open to filmmakers based in Aotearoa only.
Here's some helpful info on the categories and prizes:
2x $500 rangatahi pitch prizes
M?oriland is looking for two original short film ideas (any genre) OR animation projects from rangatahi aged 12-24. One of the pitch awards will be for a film in Te Reo M?ori. The pitch prize winners are expected to use their p?tea to turn their short film into a script with the potential of it being commissioned by M?oriland in 2020.
M?oriland pitch
2x $2,000 pitch prizes for short films that speak to the theme of tohu; Aotearoa supernatural.
M?oriland is looking for the two best ideas to develop as part of a series of Aotearoa based contemporary short films that explore the unseen world around us. Think tohu, supernatural, ethereal.
A requirement of entering the pitch is that M?oriland has first option to the short film script developed with the pitch prize.
M.A.T.C.H tech creative pitch
1x $1,500
Gaming, VR, XR - the opportunities for interactive and immersive storytelling are limitless. What story do you want to tell in the tech Creative space? Do you have a really good idea that you want to develop?