Auckland Daze is a comedy series that follows the journey of four hapless male wannabes; a Model, a Stuntman, a Dwarf Entertainer and a Stand-up Comedian, all trying (and failing) to find success in Auckland's ridiculously small entertainment industry. Created by Millen Baird and Kiel McNaughton, the show began as a web series in 2011 for TVNZ ondemand. It garnered a fairly solid following online and was picked up for TV One in 2012. Season 2 of Auckland Daze was shot in 2012 and is still awaiting an on air date. END OF DAZE was born out of the creators disappointment of not seeing Auckland Daze season 2 follow the TV ONE repeat of season 1 in August. But as the saying goes "Frustration breeds Innovation". So here we are!
Important Dates:
Principal Production - Monday 14th - Friday 18th October Cast and Crew Screening - Tuesday 29th October
Release Date - Thursday 31st October
Social Media Platforms (follow/like/support us and keep an eye out for new publicity material:
twitter: @aucklanddaze
instagram: akldze
Vimeo: (where you can download to own AKLDZE season 1 and pre order END OF DAZE)
Auckland Daze YouTube Channel
Store: (all proceeds will go towards making End of Daze)